Navigate Life's Challenges with Clarity and Resilience. Discover a tailored approach to healing, empowering you to move beyond past traumas and embrace a brighter future.

About mE


Let me introduce you to who I am. My name is Joshua Hyde, I am a Trauma-informed Coach who works with shadow aspects and deep healing techniques. My techniques will allow you to bring yourself into a deeper state of self-awareness in order to make sense of your journey and be more present and grounded in life. We live in a world where most people dwell on the past, refuse to accept the present and resist the uncertainty of the future. Only when we start to work with whatever life decides to offer to us instead of against it, can we truly thrive as humans.

Personally, my journey started with realising that I was constantly fighting against myself. Through therapy and other healing tools, I put myself on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and self-acceptance. I went from victimizing myself and identifying with my traumas to stepping back from my thoughts and putting myself on a healing path. I started to see problems as challenges, experiences as lessons, and I made space for anything new to emerge. I also realised that I am not alone and that pain is universal. I want people to see that there is a way out and that's why I trained to become a coach, started leading workshops and helping clients. With determination, acceptance, and curiosity, I can help you lead a more fulfilling life. And remember, we are never healed, but always healing. There's always more work to be done.


Trauma: Most of us walk around with some sort of trauma, often stemming from experiences in early childhood. Trauma isn’t solely a consequence of something that happened to us, it can also arise from unmet childhood needs. Additionally, ancestral trauma, passed down through generations, can deeply influence our lives. Trauma manifests in various forms, affecting us from childhood through adulthood. I'm here to guide you through this complex terrain and aid in the healing process

Addiction: Although detoxification is a crucial step here, understanding the roots of addiction may help you find connections between your experiences and actions and be better equipped to overcome the problem.

Self-love and acceptance: Most people lack self-love and it causes people to focus on their flaws instead of their strengths. Rather than build themselves up, they bring themselves down. Therapy can help you start to see your full potential, learn to not care what other people think of you, accept who you are and become the truest version of yourself.

Shadow work: Shadow work helps people shed light on hidden experiences, feelings and emotions that were pushed away in earlier stages of life. By bringing them to the forefront and acknowledging them, one can make sense of behavior and break through negative patterns. Simultaneously integrating these parts too wholeness.

Embodiment practises:  A lot of the time, our bodies and minds are disconnected. Through embodiment and other meditation practices, mindfulness, and acceptance, one can connect the two and practice self-care.

LGBTQIA+ issues: Studies show that LGBTQIA+ members are more than twice as likely as heterosexual adults to experience a mental health condition. Transgender individuals are nearly four times as likely as cisgender individuals to experience a mental health condition. This is because many people identifying as LGBTQIA+ face discrimination, family rejection, harassment, and fear of violence. Therapy can help them make space for their experiences, as well as combat internal and external struggles.

Professional development: Personal development includes training on how to become a good leader, developing personal skills and overcoming fears that are holding you back in your professional life.


60-75 min session - €70

12 week transformational coaching package - €750

Please note that I offer discounts for people with low income. I do not believe in the notion that therapy should only be for those who can afford it.

If you’re interested in booking a session or have any questions, please email me. To get to know each other more, I offer a free 30 minute session.

I offer both in person and online sessions.


I work online or from my studio in Moabit, Berlin


  • 2023 - 2024: Compassionate Enquiry, a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté

  • 2021 - 2022: Jamie Catto teachers training, certificate in shadow work and counselling